
Young Women
to Make a

By Edwina (Dick) Stoate ’75

Current Junior School Dining Hall
Current Junior School Dining Hall
Current Junior School music classroom
Current Junior School music classroom
Kindergarten in the Sun Parlour
Kindergarten in the Sun Parlour

A glance at today’s curriculum shows some of the same subjects but teaching methods and resources have evolved significantly to prepare students for success in a rapidly evolving and global world. The focus is on empowering each girl with the self-confidence and inquiry mindset to solve the problems and meet the demands of the future.

Current Junior School Dining Hall
Current Modern Science Lab
Original Science Lab
Original Science Lab
Grade 5 Digital Wisdom students toured Toronto’s Studio City production space and had a Q&A with producers from Pixomondo, a visual effects company
Grade 5 Digital Wisdom students toured Toronto’s Studio City production space
and had a Q&A with producers from Pixomondo, a visual effects company

The teaching of STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics – has perhaps changed the most since Havergal’s founding. Since computers were first introduced in the Junior School in the early 1980s, students in grades 5 to 8 now learn “Digital Wisdom”, in a unique-to-Havergal course course that provides them with the skills necessary to navigate and thrive, efficiently, effectively, and safely, in the online world. A senior level Accounting course introduces girls to potential career options. The traditional subjects of Biology, Chemistry and Physics have shifted the teaching focus to acquiring research skills and the ethics of science and in Math, coding is part of the curriculum.

Hockey Day 2023
Hockey Day 2023
1902 Barbells in the Old Gymnasium
1902 Barbells in the Old Gymnasium

In Health and Physical Education, students can choose from among a broad range of activities and sports such as ultimate frisbee, disc golf, rowing, triathlon and rugby as well as classes in kinesiology and leadership. True to our Canadian roots, ice hockey has always been a favourite although today’s students hit the ice in modern equipment and hockey jerseys rather than long wool skirts!  

Outdoor Learning
Outdoor Learning
Miss Knox’s Outdoor Classroom
Miss Knox’s Outdoor Classroom

A tour of the school highlights just how much teaching methods and resources have changed. Girls no longer sit quietly in rows of wooden desks listening to a teacher at a chalkboard. Classrooms are designed to foster collaboration and inspiration. The use of Harkness tables encourages equal engagement and discussion from all participants. On the very first day of school, Miss Knox moved her classroom outside to an apple tree. That was the start of taking advantage of Havergal’s outdoor campus for learning. Today, Havergal students benefit from modern classrooms and extensive outdoor learning spaces, including playing fields, woodland paths, and landscaped quads. The 22-acre campus features a natural, protected, tree-lined ravine and innovative facilities, designed to inspire learning and connection with nature. From collaborative indoor environments to expansive outdoor areas, Havergal provides a dynamic educational experience that fosters exploration and discovery.

From the very beginning, when the school’s first principal, Ellen Knox, asked her students “what are you going to do?”, Havergal has been preparing its graduates to be leaders of the future. Miss Knox’s words continue to inspire Havergal and its students and have shaped the school’s Strategic Plan, “Empowering Excellence” that will prepare girls for every possible version of the future.


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